Sakura Collection
Spring is here and we want to go all FLORAL this season. You will find floral Mug to Pyjamas, Planters to Umbrella
FiltersShowing 1–20 of 31 results
Sakura Teaspoon 4 PCS Set
Golden sakura (set of 4)Silver sakura (set of 4)Golden rose petal (set of 4)
Spring Cherry Blossom Enamel Pins
€7,50 – €13,50Pink sakuraWhite sakuraBlack sakuraPink blossomsWhite blossomsBlack blossomsSakura set (3)Blossom set (3)
Kawaii Drinking Straw Topper
€5,00Over the rainbowRed strawberryPink strawberryPink sakuraWhite sakuraYou are my sunshineAngel heartLove heartBlack cat pawWhite cat pawOopsy daisyMoby the whaleBlue cactusGreen cactusBlue succulentChristmas tree
Haru Blossom Yukata Robe
€29,95 – €36,95Bluebell blossom robeApricot blossom robeBluebell blossom + obi beltApricot blossom + obi belt
Ikimono 3 in 1 Cushion Blanket Set
€24,50 – €29,95Sakura bunnyPeachy piggyFluffy kittyCherry toastRaspberry bunnyIchigo kitty
Spring Floral Yukata Robe
€29,95 – €36,95Purple alliumFresh chrysanthemumPurple allium + obi beltFresh chrysanthemum + obi belt